Does HashPhotos send any photos or information to the server?

HashPhotos does not process anything on the server or transmit any user photo/video data or related data to the server.
To analyze errors and user usage patterns, only feature usage logs and error information are sent to Google Analytics and Firebase Crashlytics in a way that does not identify users.

I forgot the passcode.

If you lose your passcode, recovery or reset is not possible because HashPhotos is not a membership-based service.

What is the System Library and the Local Library?

The system library is a library managed by the iOS Photos app, and HashPhotos also manages albums and photos in the system library through the functions provided by iOS.
The local library is a library managed by HashPhotos, and the photos in this library are stored within the HashPhotos app and cannot be accessed by external apps.
If you delete the HashPhotos app, all photos in your local library will also be deleted.

Where are the photos and data added in the app stored and how can they be deleted?

Keywords, memos, and event data added in the app are stored in the database managed by the HashPhotos app.
Photos and video files in the Local Library are stored within the HashPhotos app sandbox.
All of these are stored only on the user’s device, and they will be deleted if the app is uninstalled.

Location information, date/time information, and titles added to photos in the System Library are stored in the database managed by iOS and will remain even if the HashPhotos app is deleted.
(Keywords, memos, and events are managed by the HashPhotos app and will be deleted along with the app.)

Can keywords be synced between iPhone and iPad?

If you're using iCloud Photos to sync your photos, you can sync keywords manually.
Please check out guide: Manual Sync Guide
Check out [What is "System Keywords" option in the settings.] too.

How to write keywords into IPTC metadata section.

HashPhotos manages own database for keywords and writes these keywords into IPTC when sharing, transferring or exporting photos from HashPhotos.
(Including/excluding keywords when sharing or transferring can be set in HashPhotos Settings > Privacy)
Writing keywords into IPTC directly whenever adding or editing keywords is very inefficient. Also there are limitations because of the iOS policy.
Check out [What is "System Keywords" option in the settings.] too.

What is "System Keywords" option in the settings.

iOS has an internal feature to manage keywords.
This feature also allows you to search by keyword in the Photos app and sync across devices if you use iCloud Photos.
HashPhotos used this feature to implement the keyword feature, but unfortunately Apple restricts 3rd party apps like HashPhotos from using this feature and upload to the App Store.
HashPhotos will support this feature as soon as Apple allows it.

Is there a way to sync photos in the local library?

Syncing albums and photos in the local library to multiple devices is not supported.

Is there a HashPhotos for macOS?

You can install and use the iPad version on Mac computers using M series chips.
However, since it is not yet a version that properly supports macOS, some features may not operate smoothly.
We are currently focusing on the iPhone and iPad versions, but we plan to pay more attention to the macOS version in the future.

How iOS manages photos when a photo is edited.

iOS doesn't replace the original when you edit a photo; it has two versions: the original and the modified version. So it takes up almost twice as much storage space.

Why HashPhotos doesn't show "Recently Deleted Album"?

iOS is preventing third-party apps from accessing the "Recently Deleted Items" album.

What is the password for the zip file created using Settings > Data > Backup.

A zip file created using the "Backup" function can only be used when restoring with the restore function. A password is set to prevent users from decompressing the file.